Clinic Equipment

The equipment at the dental clinic is very important because it assists the dentist with his diagnosis and treatments. Find out more about the equipment available at the Vita Centre dental clinics.

Dental Operating Light

Dental Operating Light
Dental Operating Light

t is an operating light on the ceiling with the light area focused in order to adapt to the needs of the oral surgery and implantology.

This is an exclusive technology that enables double lighting on both the dental chair and area of surgery. The power supply is protected by O-Glass Technology, which is a protective glass with a layer that will protect the patients if the glass happens to break, ensuring patient safety.

 Dental Chairs, Dental Clinic equipment

Dental Chair
Dental Chair

Fedesa Dental Chairs are made by a Spanish company that is associated with the Fadente Group, which manufactures and sells high-tech equipment for the dentistry sector.

Fedesa has 47 years of existence and sells aesthetical and functional dental chairs due to the ability to develop and adapt to the dentistry sector demands.

A dental chair is a great investment and, thus, the best option is to choose a solid brand on the market that ensures replacement of parts during the chair’s lifespan.

Advantages of the chairs used in our dental clinic:

  • It is a well-proven technology, therefore, it ensures the lifespan of the material.
  • The units can be customised according to professional needs and there is a wide range of colours and options.
  • It is possible to include a wide range of options for the health professional, such as ultrasound module, vacuum systems with centrifugal pumps, pressurised water deposit, automatic cannula cleaning system, hot water in the patient glass, and disinfection system.

Galilée Loupe

This device provides a homogeneous white light to increase accuracy during the treatment. The image is bright without changing its colours. They are lightweight, ergonomic, durable, and easily adaptable to each morphology. Its name is associated with Galileo, a scientist who in 1609 found out about the telescope from the Netherlands and decided to improve it.

This device is also called a microscope and consists of a single converging spherical lens.

Mocom Autoclave

autoclave sterilisation

The purpose of this device, called an autoclave, is to sterilise the instruments used in dentistry, such as the spatulas, dental spoon excavator (small utensil that moulds and compresses composite fillings), needles, applicators, dental luxator, periosteals, elevators, forceps, clamps, etc.

The sterilisation and asepsis of the materials and instruments are extremely important to destroy microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, and protozoans, which are highly resistant bodies.

The autoclave sterilisation is made through moist heat and pressure. Water is placed inside the device and there are shelves where the medical utensils are placed.

These devices must be class B, meet European standards, and be properly authorised. In our clinics, the autoclave is from the brand Mocom. These devices stand out thanks to their user-friendly system and their ability to record in the internal memory data regarding the executed cycles and automated hydropower.

Whitening Lamp

This LED device is a photopolymer without photopolymerization wires and is used to whiten teeth in dental clinics. It is compatible with most whitening products, such as Opalescence by Ultradent or Poladay SDI, which are gels based on carbamide peroxide with potassium nitrate and fluoride. The gel is directly applied to the teeth and then the LED light is activated.

Advantages of this whitening device:

  • The whitening lamp does not emit ultraviolet radiation.
  • It is lightweight, wireless, and compact. It moves in circles and rotates 360º to facilitate access to all the areas that need whitening.
  • The heat emission is harmless.

Implant Motor

W&H Implantmed System

Implant motor
Implant surgery

This device inserts dental implants. It has about 5 programmes to safely perform implant surgery.

The dentist activates the device with a foot pedal, preventing contamination from his hands since they will not touch the device and will stay sterilised. This device is lightweight, quiet, and has an ergonomic shape. It is high-performance and both the motor and cable can be disinfected and sterilised.

Advantages of the Implantmed Implant Motor

  • It is easy to operate through automated programmes.
  • Potent motor with a high speed from 300 to 400.00 rpm.