Invisalign smile – dental aligners
Invisalign smile, invisible braces, enable you to benefit from orthodontic treatment designed to align your smile, discreet and aesthetic due to the fact, as the name implies, they are transparent.
Before explaining this type of tooth alignment treatment and the options available, we would like to add that invisible braces ensure your aesthetic appearance isn´t compromised and boost your psychological health due to the results.
What is invisible orthodontics, transparent aligners?
Invisible orthodontics refers to any type of appliance that is discreet. The idea of this type of transparent braces is to replace conventional metal or ceramic brackets. Transparent and invisible aligners are the best solution for people who prefer to have their teeth aligned without having to give anyone an explanation. Adults whose professional life involves interaction with the public choose this solution because it means they don’t need to explain why they need to wear transparent braces.
Types of invisible smile (aligners)
There are several types of invisible orthodontic treatment. The choice depends on your financial possibilities, your age and the type of device best suited to the complexity of your specific case. The length of time and the need to go to the clinic for follow-up treatment vary from person to person.
There are two types of dental appliances available: fixed and removable.
Ceramic braces
Ceramic braces work in the same way as metal braces. The main difference is that they are made of a material the colour of which is closer to tooth enamel. The results are more discreet to observers. They are produced from state-of-the-art ceramic material, thereby ensuring a more secure and resistant adhesion to the natural tooth. On the other hand, the ceramic material is subject to breakage and potential risks in the composition of each piece glued to the tooth. The orthodontist connects the ceramic parts with a piece of transparent or metal wire. The rubber bands binding the ceramic parts tend to change colour over time and in accordance with the type of food eaten.
Transparent braces
The device consisting of transparent braces is almost invisible when in place. The transparent parts blend in with the teeth due to the similarity in colour. The patient’s appearance is extremely natural and discreet, and in most cases people will only realise you´re wearing such a device if they are very close. This type of almost invisible orthodontic system provides great resistance due to the excellent adhesion of the parts. However they could come loose or break in the event of an accident. In this case, the orthodontist would have to replace the part in question at a follow-up appointment.
Invisible aligners, Invisalign Smile
This type of invisible aligner is revolutionary in the field of orthodontic treatment. The invisible aligner is a removable device and consists of two transparent splints that adapt perfectly to the shape of the teeth. The acrylic splints exert soft pressure on the patient´s teeth, which move smoothly into the desired position over time. This enables you to align your smile and any imperfections in your teeth. Invisible aligners are made of state-of-the-art acrylic material. The material is carefully developed by specialists and its robust and comfortable nature allows treatment with transparent aligners to be carried out in a precise, efficient manner. The state-of-the-art technology employed ensures the patient undergoes comfortable and pain-free invisible orthodontic treatment.
Due to the fact the device is removable, the person using it can remove it before having a meal with the greatest peace of mind. After eating, you can brush and floss your teeth and put the invisible splints back in your mouth. Invisible aligners are highly resistant. They are unlikely to crack or break. On the other hand, they are very comfortable and completely painless. As with any other type of mobile device, the patient will need a little time to adapt. Difficulty in pronouncing certain words is natural. Getting used to this type of treatment is quick and easy. The difficulties experienced in the first few days will soon disappear.
The advantages of this type of orthodontic treatment compared to other types of tooth alignment treatment are:
• Comfort – Aligners are very comfortable and easier to wear. They can be taken out before your different daily meals. Whenever you want to brush your teeth, all you need to do is to remove the acrylic splint from your mouth with care. Imagine for example you need to attend a special event without wearing your orthodontic device. Yes, you can leave your invisible braces behind and put them back in your mouth when you get home. Always remember that they should be worn most of the time to ensure the treatment is effective.
• Aesthetics – These braces are obviously the most aesthetic devices on the market due to their transparent design. This transparency makes you look natural without interfering with your appearance.
• Strength – They are the strongest due to the fact they are generally unlikely to break or crack due to the technology used in the composition of their material,. They adhere to your teeth with maximum comfort and safety.
Phases of treatment
First of all, we invite the patient to undergo an orthodontic examination conducted by one of our orthodontists. At this first appointment, the doctor will talk to you and explain all the steps and phases involved in the treatment. The examination and the in-person visit will enable us to understand the details of your particular case and to ascertain whether or not your problem can be dealt with using this procedure.
Impressions of your mouth taken with elastomer designed for this purpose will be required. The doctor will prescribe a panoramic x-ray to obtain an image of your dental structure. In some cases other treatment will be administered beforehand to ensure that your mouth is healthy and that the orthodontic treatment is effective. All our treatments are personalised.
How much does an invisalign smile cost?
The cost of treatment using Invisalign depends on your teeth alignment problem; it also varies in accordance with the length of treatment. If your alignment needs are minor, the cost of correcting your smile will be less than that of more complex and time-consuming treatment. To obtain an exact quote on the price of our invisible aligners, make an in-person examination appointment at one of our clinics. The orthodontist will diagnose your needs and explain the cost associated with this innovative treatment for the correction of imperfections in your teeth.